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Here's where I was this past weekend!
^^awesome shot by my friend Maggie^^
And it was pretty darn fabulous. 

Our church women's retreat is on Mother's Day weekend every year (initially because it was the only weekend available all year at our awesome conference center in Cannon Beach) and it's a true getaway. Relaxing, fun, and easy, with powerful sessions and worship and plenty of free time in between. I look forward to it every year! 

^^Shiree, Jana, Kelly, Tricia, and me^^
I drove to the coast with these lovely ladies and we stopped for dinner at the Screw & Brew... a restaurant/pub inside the local hardware store! Our waiter wore denim bib overalls, and seeing as that he was well over six feet tall it was quite the sight let me tell you. Bonus: the food was really good!

One of the best things about the weekend is getting to spend it with my mother and sister...

And my two sisters-in-law. (We missed my mother-in-law big time this year, as she was off gallivanting around the state on a retiremoon with my newly retired father-in-law. Which I guess is a legit enough excuse...)

And on top of those important ladies in my life, I get to hang out with all my girlfriends too! 

There is nothing hard about this weekend, let me tell you.

Sunday morning we stood out on the sand and watched two precious ladies get baptized in a little water inlet on the beach.
Annie used to play on Russ's basketball team and has been at OSU for two years now. We stayed up late Saturday night talking and when she shared her awesome testimony Sunday morning it totally made me cry sentimental proud tears, I just love her!

And I love these retreats :)

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