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A happy mama's day


Mother's Day was a delightful affair, from start to finish. I came home late Sunday afternoon from the women's retreat I was at all weekend with no expectations for my family because my present was the getaway, with plenty of spending money to boot.

Yet my husband still filled my love-tank by making sure the house was spotless, there was a cute card waiting for me with notes and pictures from everyone, and then:

A special pedicure from Kendall

With dinner by Cooper (fried egg bagels), and a back massage and hairdo session from Blake (who kissed me at least 20 times and told me he was never ever going to leave our home ;)

And if that wasn't enough, after the kids were in bed Russ patiently sat and listened to me gab and GAB about all the details of my weekend, without a hint of boredom. BLESS HIM.

The only disconcerting moment was when I opened a handmade card from Cooper and read this:
Upon questioning though Cooper assures me he wrote DARN... that's just a squished R and N!

Getaway pictures coming tomorrow :)


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