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The weekend haps


In short, it was a great weekend.

But who wants short, I mean, c'mon. Let's break it dowwwwn!

Friday night: Jamberry nail party. I took with me the first set I bought, oh back in October maybe? and actually put them on for the first time.
Conclusion: nail parties with girlfriends are sometimes almost always a much better option than another Friday night basketball game.

Saturday was a full day: My close cousin's son, Tristan, turned one and our whole family went to his birthday party (he's the CUTEST)

I got mah hair did...
goodbye pesky gray hairs!
and the Halverson boys all took off to the Blazer game, leaving us girls (my mother-in-law and two sisters-in-law, myself, and all the girl cousins + one sad little Blake) to pizza-party it up, which we did with fervor, solving all the worlds problems and discussing permanent eyebrows for waaay longer than necessary. It's what girls do.
just missing Uncle Tim, the photographer
Sunday: Halverson family prayer day!

Year fourteen is in the bag! This year included special guests Pastor Gary & Pat, who wanted in on the action, and also these preserving jars with all the kids and adults praises, special scriptures, and prayer requests, plus a box of fiber to keep us going all year long. Inside joke. 
We'll open these babies up next year and marvel at God's goodness when we see how many requests were answered in amazing ways. Happens EVERY year. Without fail. We are blessed!
Bonus weekend info: Russ and I are all caught up on American Idol and Sherlock thanks to some wee-hour laptop watching in bed, and Russell has finally fallen into the clutches of Candy Crush. It's pretty funny... I actually caught him crouched on the floor next to the bed playing it late last night because his phone had died and he had to plug it in to recharge.

I would laugh more, but sadly, we have all been there ;)

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Great re cap, Dad was tickled to see the preserving jar idea in use . Love the pic of you with your new jersey. Had to smile at the thought of Russ crouched on the floor with candy crush, course I've been there too... ha ha ha.


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