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Monday Confessional


Confession: nine times out of ten, I will choose the easier way.

Example: tonight is my sister's highly anticipated Christmas Cookie Competition Exchange. Actually it is a competition because prizes are awarded for best tasting and best looking cookie. In preparation for this exciting event, I searched google for prize-winning recipes and came up with one that looked promising. (This one if you care to investigate.) I bought all the necessary ingredients (pretzels, baking chips, sea salt, etc.) except for the eggs, which I get from my parents for free (egg farm perks), and planned on baking yesterday after church because I'm going to be gone all day today. The only thing I needed to do was go pick up my eggs right after church.

Which I forgot.

Maybe because we picked up a Christmas tree instead? A spontaneous move if you can't tell by the below picture.
^^taking redneckery to a whole new level with the tree IN our car due to our lack of rope. Cooper was as thrilled as he looked^^

Anyway. Tree home, tree decorated, tree sat in front of and admired, still no eggs.
Around 4 pm I decided I better drive over to the folks and pick them up, but not before opening a bag of chocolate chips to snack on a small handful. You know, for the trip. At which point I noticed the recipe on the back... shortbread rounds that called for NO eggs and not only that, needed only four ingredients total, a whopping eight less than the other recipe.


Seven dozen easy-peasy shortbread rounds later I was finished and back in front of the tree watching a movie with the family. I even used some brilliant ingenuity to come up with a sifter for the powdered sugar dusting.
^^The all-purpose loose-leaf tea strainer spoon comes to the rescue^^

Nine times out of ten, I don't regret choosing the easier way ;)

(Although I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this unopened container of sea salt now...)


  1. Return the sea salt and get your money back then buy some chocolate wink wink.

  2. how about just use the sea salt like regular salt?! Just a thought!


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