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Labor Day weekend: Top 10 moments


We spent the Labor Day weekend at Foster Lake for our church family camp and had a GRAND time squeezing the last bit of fun out of summer (while refusing to think of school starting up when we returned.)

Here are the top moments of the trip! (My 18th family camp trip, holy McMoly!)

"I'm not speaking to you" moment:
When we were all packed and loaded to leave for camp Thursday evening right after kindergarten roundup so we could be there by 11 pm and then Russell realized he'd forgot to pick up the adapter to hook up the trailer lights to our vehicle so we had to wait till morning to leave. Suffice it to say this was NOT a happy discovery and somebody whose birthday was the next day and who wanted to wake up at camp for her birthday was not very gracious and things may have got a little ugly.

Don't worry though, all was well again before too long (because we are terrible at staying mad/remembering why we're mad) and we were on the road by 7:30 am Friday morning! First stop? A white mocha for mama!

Proudest moment:
Blake learned how to ride his bike without training wheels! Auntie Cara (the bike whisperer) taught him in half an hour, just like she taught Cooper at family camp several years ago. Blake then rode off into the sunset down the camp row and we barely saw him the rest of the weekend!

Cutest moment:
Miley riding in my bike basket around camp. She loved it!

Most fun moment:
Game nights, baby! Settlers, Qwirkle, Apples to Apples, Can you Name 5?, Spoons, and Canasta. I was in game-playing heaven all weekend.

Most relaxing moment:
Hanging out at the day beach and floating in the lake for hours. Ahhhhhhhhh.

Sweetest moment:
And I mean that in the most literal sense. This was the birthday loot awaiting me at camp from multiple friends who are well aware that my love of white chocolate knows no bounds. God bless birthdays.

Funniest and also "most awkward" moment:
when I held up a purple game card to my Spanish-speaking friend, Veronica, and confidently declared, "pupitre!" Veronica gave me the look of "what in the heck, crazy lady?" and then burst out laughing. AT ME. So I guess purple in Spanish is morado. And maybe I shouldn't be so confident just blurting out words in another language, although at least it is a real Spanish word, and not even a curse word! (it means desk.)

Matchy-matchy moment:
sporting our TCC camp tees on Sunday. Awwww, we're so... coordinated.

"Money well spent" moment:
we stopped at a garage sale on the way down (surprise, surprise, I know) and picked up a bag of pipe cleaners for $1.00. Cheapest entertainment for a whole bunch of girls ever. They crafted and crafted with those things!

Saddest moment:
coming home to a dead fish. Not Rocky the miracle fish of course, he's six-going-on-forever and as healthy as... well, a living fish. No, it was Cooper's beta fish, Leroy. Which is unfortunate because this is Cooper's fourth fish to die and Cooper is pretty sure he has the kiss of death when it comes to fish now and there was a good half an hour of gloom and doom and much woeing and the likes until I finally offered up a vanilla ice-cream sandwich as a condolence gift.

Crisis over.

And a bonus moment just for making it this far!

"Okaaaay then..." moment: 
We asked all three kids what their favorite part of camp was this year.
Kendall: "sleeping in a tent with all my friends"
Blake: "riding my bike without training wheels!"
Cooper: "you know how your forget all your favorite memories about a place and then you get there and suddenly remember them all? That was my favorite memory"
Me: "so your favorite part of camp this year was remembering your favorite memories about camp?!"
Cooper: "yes"

Well God bless family camp for wonderful memories every year :)
Until next year, Foster Lake!


  1. Looks fun! I love The Settlers of Katan!! My fav game!!

  2. OMG... I love spoons!! Do y'all slyly take the spoon? Thats how you have to do it...

  3. Spoons!! My hubby's family once broke a dining room table playing spoons. Really. They're bloodthirsty. What an amazing camp! Glad you had such a blast!

  4. Awesome moments Jod, loved all the pics, who is doing the flip ? So sorry about Leroy, but Praise God for ice cream .Loved watching everyone have fun.

    1. That's Cooper flipping into the water. Yes praise God for ice cream!

  5. we came home to only one frog. Do not ask me what happen to the other one. It just disappeared! I thought maybe, by a miraculous miracle, that it jumped out of the saran wrapped bowl of water it was in and dried up some where, but, no, no frog in the surrounding area. We thought maybe its pal ate it, but the pal looks the same size. Go figure! It's a mystery!


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