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It's been an instagrammy week!

Swimming at Grandma and Papas. Blake working up the courage to get in. (Those big kids splash a lot!)

My current favorite snack for baseball games. Except after this game (which was away) I accidentally left my mini-cooler behind, with the rest of these in it! So sad. 

Russell found this fat guy on our road and brought him home for the kids to see. Holy huge!

We watched my nephew Hayden for four days while Kelly & Dave were in Vegas for their anniversary. Blake was in cousin heaven! I'm pleased to say they've finally reached the age where they get along ALL the time. Yes... Kelly and my double-pregnancy plan worked :)

Wednesday morning I hiked 7 miles with these cute gals! (Therese, Kate, Kennedy, & Sarah). Currently at 25 miles of my 56 mile goal. I think I might make it this month!

Walking down memory lane... my junior and senior prom with Russ (who had already graduated). What a couple of babies we were! 

We have to keep our driveway gate shut during the day to keep our sheep in. I avoid opening and shutting it myself at all costs so my kids get to help, but don't worry, when it's raining I provide an umbrella because I'm kind like that.

Of course, when somebody forgets to shut the gate after letting the sheep out in the morning, this guy and his little sheep posse escape, which is exactly what happened earlier today. Most frustrating hour of my life. It took me, three neighbors, and finally Russ who had to drive home from a summer basketball tournament he was running, to get them back in our yard and I don't remember the last time I was that stressed!

(Hint: that somebody was not my oldest child nor my youngest.)

Happy weekend!


  1. So sorry about the sheep escape..very we know why God likens us to sheep ... we go every which way !.
    Awesome pic of your hike peeps.
    Extra sad about you losing your cooler containng those.!

    1. haha, so true... before Russ arrived to help I kept praying, "Lord, you're the great shepherd, herd my sheep for me!"

  2. Oh Coop, uh hum, I mean somebody, to bad the gate got forgotten!:)

  3. The sheep getting out is super annoying. They are hard to wrangle back into the place they belong...because they think they know the best. I agree with your mom....probably why God likens us to sheep. :-) Happy 14 year Anniversary too! Have a great weekend!


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