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Still Awkward and Awesome in 2012


- Wearing a lovely cream-colored angora knit cardigan over a black cotton dress to go grocery shopping/run errands for the day and then discovering quite early on that what you are actually going to be wearing all day is an angora hair covered dress because, HOLY SHED.

- That moment in Starbucks when an innocent and perfectly normal-looking stranger walks past Blake, is noticed, and immediately announced quite loudly as having "mean eyes, Mom!" Hello sweet mortification, we meet again. 

- Arguing with your husband that you do NOT need to take your gallon can of ceiling paint back in to Home Depot with you just to order another one exactly like it, nor do you even need to write the paint color number down, because they keep your previous purchases in their system. And being sure you are right, all the way up until the moment when you are stared at blankly by the paint counter clerk after asking her to "look you up". So, um no, apparently they don't do that. 

- Sheepishly calling your husband at home to ask for the paint number on the top of the can. No humble pie, you are not at all tasty today. 

- The entertainment you can get from driving around town with a three year old who is prone to noticing things like mounds of dirt with weeds growing out of the lower half on a commercial site under construction and frantically yelling, "MOM, MOM! A BOLCANO! I SEE A BOLCANO!" 

- Discovering that Kindles can now work with library ebooks like the Nook does, opening up one more avenue of book-reading madness!

- This kindle cover, that my brother found and sent me a link to:
(Hands up if this was your favorite movie when you were 10-12 years old!)

- Rediscovering all your old Disney movie classics that you still own on VHS (we got rid of our VCR a long time ago) after being given a small TV/VCR combo for the boys room by your parents, and watching Blake fall in love with Pinocchio and the likes. 

- Our completed tile job in our new bathroom. I. LOVE. IT.

(The small glass tile is also the back splash above the granite counter around the corner, it looks awesome.)


  1. Love this post! More good than awkward which is a good start to the year! The bathroom looks gorgeous!

  2. Your bathroom is beautiful! I remember when my master bath was just about done and getting excited to be a "grown up" with a master bath. I love your awkward posts, they are awesome!

  3. Your bathroom looks awesome! And I can relate to your awkward toddler moment. The other day we were eating in Burger King and Landon said "what is she doing?" really loudly about the person cleaning the dining room. Except it was a man. And of course he said it again when he walked right past us. I felt so horrible. I kept correcting him quietly but no luck.

  4. Blake's "angry eyes" story cracked me up and the Home Depot "husband is always right" story was funny also. Your tile bathroom turned out magnificent. Can't wait to see it!

  5. Jodi, you are so cute! I love that you thought that Home Depot would keep everybody's, who had ever bought paint from their store, paint selection! Makes me giggle just thinking about it:) It would be a good selling point though. They should seriously think about it!

  6. Bathroom is AMAZING !! can't wait to see the other wall when you get your mirror up .
    A "Bolcano" aye?! go "B" !

  7. I had an angora sweater in high school... I was so proud of it! :) They do shed though!

    Your bathroom looks fantastic! I love the mixture of tiles and granite you chose. :)


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