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Hello, 2012


We rung in the New Year the same way we have for the past 10 years... partying it up with our favorite people playing games, talking and laughing, and eating lots and lots of food.

At these parties, certain things have to happen. It's just a given...

1. Take lots of pictures, including group shots.
With girlfriends Amanda, Kelly and Nicole.

2. Learn a new game. 
This year it was "Name 5". We loved it. 

3. Capture awkward moments with Russell.


And two...


(Except that is not even alcohol he's holding.)

4. Take couple shots.

5. Kiss and drink sparkling cider at midnight and have a mini dance party.
What happens when I try to take a self portrait including our sparkling cider. Sorry husband.
6. Take the classic couch group picture.
Don't mind me, the ONLY ONE looking in the wrong direction...

7. Try to get the boys to act normal. 

Fun times. We stayed up playing Apples to Apples till 1:30 am, and I WON for the first time ever, making the New Year a success before it had barely begun :)

It's going to be a great year, my friends!

(Almost all pictures taken by my sister and her amazing new Canon Rebel camera, which I am not at all jealous of, except that I am 100% EXTREMELY JEALOUS of it.)


  1. Good pictures marking good times. It's going to be a great year!!!

  2. hey, Tim (i mean Timoteo!) i like your new name title:) Great post like always Jods!

  3. Fun! I love game nights! I want to know where all the kids are... did you all get sitters?

  4. Seems you guys hav enjoyed a lot... hav a gr8 tym in 2012


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