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On the bus


This girl is a social butterfly.
She finds friends anywhere.
Has fun doing anything.
Wants to babysit soooo badly.
Is a natural born cheerleader.
Still likes to kiss her Mom and Dad goodnight on the lips.
Was relieved and excited when she found out her basketball team wouldn't be the team that had to travel with the boys. I will remember this moment!
Hates any movie that has a hint of suspense or scariness.
Is learning to be patient.

This boy is thoughtful.
So thoughtful.
He picks out toys at the dentist office for his siblings instead of himself.
Spends his money on others more often than not.
Loves to surprise people with gifts.
Loves to surprise people period.
Doesn't like change.
At all.

(Recent conversation after Cooper had his molars sealed to protect against cavities and commented for the fifth time on the way home that they felt different):
Cooper: Mom, I just feel like everything in my life is changing. We got a new dog (in August), a new car (in September), I'm in a new class at school (for over 2 months now), I'm getting a new bedroom, and now my teeth feel funny!
Me (knowing what his response will be): do you like change or not like it, bud?
Cooper: I don't really care for it, Mom.

Understatement of the year.

This boy got a haircut!
He wants to be in charge.
Likes to do EVERYTHING himself.
Cuddles in bed with his mama every morning.
Is continuously happy.
Except when he's hungry.
Warms hearts like nobodies business.
Is learning how to sit at the table for more than two minutes at a time without climbing off his chair. Squirrel!

This mama is content.
She loves her life.
A tidy house.
And a trip to Starbucks.
Is sometimes slightly concerned by her own shopping habits.
Can't get herself anywhere on time.
Is learning not to care so much about what others might think.

This mama loves those kids.


  1. I love this post Jodi! Very Sweet. made me tear up a little bit! Your kids are all of those things and more, they are great and a blessing to me everyday, just like you. Good job being a great mum! ;)

  2. This mother loves her daughter- in-love, her care for her family, her inclusion of others, her love of life, her warmth, charm and her shopping habits! (And that she likes us:)

  3. So sweet! When Kendall is ready to babysit I have children that need watching occasionally! :)

  4. Awesome kids, Awesome parents...amazingly phenoninal Grandparents on both's a win win ;D


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