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Sometimes I cook


I know this may surprise you because I don't normally talk about cooking, and that's because for the most part it's a joyless task in my life. Like laundry and dishes. And clipping small children's fingernails that grow at the rate of bamboo.

But despite this, I've embraced the fact that if I'm going to have to cook, I'm going to cook good food (mainly because I like to eat good food), and have managed to build up quite the repertoire of recipes over the years. 

* note: please do not confuse good food with fancy food, or difficult to make food. I'm talking 10 ingredients MAX here folks. And the less the better.

One of those recipes is my chicken enchliadas... which are pretty amazing if you ask me, and last night I outdid myself when I made them and am here to brag shamelessly about it. 

Of course, I didn't set out to outdo myself, it was accidental. As in, I cooked my chicken and chopped my fresh picked cilantro from my sister's garden and started to assemble everything before discovering that I had no enchilada sauce because, darn it, that can that I could only see the top of in the pantry turned out to be refried beans.

Not to panic, A quick search on (that only led to a 5 minute sidetrack over to facebook) resulted in an easy 10 minute recipe with ingredients I had on hand... perfect. 


And not only did I make my own sauce, but the spirit of Pioneer Woman came over me and I added heavy cream to make it a cream sauce. Oh, it was muy excellente, mi amigos

AND THEN, I cooked my flour tortillas instead of using the pre-cooked kind, and my awesome enchiladas became even awesomer. 

It was a proud moment.

Ready for the oven...

And here's what they looked like when they were done.

Okay, so we dove in and I forgot to take a pic until this was all that was left. Please believe me when I tell you they looked much prettier than this. 

I'm going to make my own enchilada sauce from now on. The taste difference was incredible. Here's the recipe I found. I adjusted it by only putting in 2 tablespoons of chili powder instead of 1/4 cup because I like mild, using regular flour instead of self-rising as reviewers suggested, and I probably added about 1/2 cup of heavy cream.

And here's a link to my chicken enchiladas, because my sister blogged about them a while back!

Happy Friday friends. The best part about my day is that we're going over to friends tonight and I don't have to cook - YEAH! ;)


  1. I just made chicken enchiladas yesterday. They are one of my fave dishes :)

  2. You are a great cook Jodi - and your chicken enchiladas are one of my favorite recipes I've stolen from you over the years!!

  3. Those look delicious! I'm crazy about anything Mexican. :) Hey girl...I'm doing a big birthday giveaway on my blog. Be sure to stop by and enter!

  4. Yum! I always get a good laugh at your posts. The first paragraph made me smile :) I feel the same way about most of those tasks!

  5. ..I'm still hoping the spirit of the Pioneer woman will come over me at some point..mean time..if you make these again..invite me over ;D


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