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Getting bigger...


This weekend Blake held his first snake...
(caught by daddy of course)

Put on his own socks and shoes...
(Which I unfortunately did not notice before we were out and about),

And turned into Dennis the Menace. 
I swear I only turned around for TWO SECONDS after adding the flour to the cookie dough I was making.  But that was all the time Blake needed to get his fingers on that switch and turn the mixer to high.

I'm afraid I did not have a very good reaction. 

(Although that didn't stop me from grabbing the camera.)

And don't let those puppy dog eyes fool you, he was just upset that I wasn't cleaning the mess off him quicker!


  1. Blakey Blakey lol - nice goldfish in the background

  2. I love that the socks don't match. And the photo with the flour is just priceless, love it!

  3. this is bittersweet for me... I want Blake to stay young for a while longer...sigh, they grow up and all of a sudden they don't want candy from Auntie Sarah anymore. :(

  4. Oh I LOL'd at the mismatched socks - too cute! And whoa at that mess...definitely a good photo op. :) Be sure to head over to my blog and enter my big birthday giveaway! Happy Monday!

  5. I'm so glad you are catching all of Blake's antics

  6. Beeper Beeper Beeper ! ..priceless picture.

  7. I will always want candy from Auntie Sarah!

  8. I have a husband named Blake that gives me those same puppy dog eyes...must be in the name.


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