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Giving Thanks 2016


We've just enjoyed a 5 1/2 day holiday break and I'm back to record the highlights, as is my civic duty. 

First up: the traditional Thanksgiving class party with Blake. 
He made stuff. I looked at it. And wondered why I had shown up at the start of the hour-long party instead of 10 minutes before it ended when school was let out. I should know better by now. 

Next: helping Jana and her family move into their new home in the country! 
I helped Jana clean and set up her kitchen, but the most important part was actually tracking the distance and time from my house to hers so we both know exactly how long we need to give ourselves for emergency TV show viewings together. 

Later that evening: Surprise engagement party for Mitch & Annie!
Oh my goodness, even though I was given a pretty obvious clue as to why we were invited over for a "special evening with Annie and Mitch's families", I still cried and cried and CRIED with happiness for my sweet Annie! We are so happy for her and Mitchell :)

Thanksgiving Day: Gathering No. 1
We loaded up and traveled over the mountains and through the woods all of 8 miles to spend Thanksgiving with Russ's family at his sister's house. (Don't mind B-diddy in the backseat there, he's going incognito for the day.)

It was yummy and lovely and relaxing and everything holidays with family and friends should be.

Thanksgiving Day: Gathering No. 2
Around 5 pm we headed 5 miles back towards home to pop in at my cousin Stephanie's house for Wilson thanksgiving, where we showed up just in time for dessert!

We spent the rest of the evening there, and again... yummy, lovely, relaxing. Family is my favorite.

Late Thanksgiving night: Black Friday shopping!
Mum, Tricia and I were joined for the first time by Kendall and my niece, Debby, and we loved having them along! We didn't get home until 3:30 am but as always, it was totally fun and crazy to be out bargain hunting together in the middle of the night. Of course, I then spent the next three days straight napping my afternoons away. I'm all caught up now ;) 

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