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The Happy Fourth {2016 Edition}


Our 2016 Fourth of July Agenda:
- parade it up
- brunch at the sister's
- back home to finish filling new pool and take naps
- rodeo it up

Everything went according to plan and we gave the day 10 thumbs up (from all five of us.)

Kelly and Lincoln. The parade hadn't started yet but a police car went by warning everyone over a loudspeaker to clear the street and Lincoln was VERY excited about it ;)

We could not get a picture without one or the other cracking some joke and making the other laugh. BROTHERS. 

Sweet cousins. MUCH easier to photograph.

Drew, Cooper, & Judah (I was going to type "also cousins" but it's not really true because even though Coop and Drew are cousins and Drew and Judah are cousins, Cooper and Judah are not cousins. Just best friends. Sooooo.... yep.)

Dave & Hayden ran the 5k and Hayden loved it! We were so proud of him!

Safeway definitely won the award for kids favorite parade float this year... they RAINED candy down on the streets like a winter hail storm. It was insane. 

Our three. Pretty sure Blake's got candy stuffed in his cheek.

Brunch at my sister's with family and friends. Perfect weather for outdoor eating and also not having to prepare a meal for my family after all that taxing parade-watching.

NOT PICTURED: the new pool and the naps. Both went well.

Rodeo time! My very favorite Fourth of July activity :) Especially with family!

Dave & Kelly and their boys, my parents, Jay & Christine, Russ, and Blake's eye. (In my mother's defense, she wasn't warned about the picture and had a mouthful of elephant ear, haha.)

Uncle Jamin sharing his caramel corn.

This was Christine's (Jay's fiance) very first rodeo! She's a Starbucks manager from Portland and the Molalla Buckeroo is about as redneck as it comes so I was a little nervous about what she'd think of it, but she seemed to enjoy herself! Atta girl, Christine ;)

The show was great, we loved the fireworks afterwards, and the elephant ears were as heavenly as ever :)

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh heavens to Betsy Jodi, I laughed till I cried- at myself and the line about Blake's eye !! Thanks for posting my defense - a lucky save I might add ;)


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