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Monday Confessional: The Case of the Locked Keys


Enjoying a beautiful and relaxing Sunday afternoon outdoors, or stranded with two bickering children after locking my keys in my car? 

Sadly, the second scenario. 

And not only were we stranded, we were all the way up in NE Portland after watching Cooper's spring league basketball games at Benson High School. Roadside assistance estimated 40 minutes of wait time but took over an hour and a half to arrive. With only 10% phone battery, our entertainment options consisted of people watching from the high school's front lawn, playing a memory game I copied off of last week's Survivor episode (see my sad animal drawing attempts below), bartering for the one snack we had between the three of us - Cooper's mini pringles pack, and talking to the homeless people who accosted us (very friendly folks).

Survivor memory: the kids had 30 seconds to study the picture and then had to write out what the animals were and what number they were in the circle from memory. Quite entertaining, actually. 

And no, I don't know how to draw a dog. I do know I need a hide-a-key though!


  1. I thought the drawings were really good - it's likely I would have failed the sequence game even if it had less drawings - hide away key is a must !!!

  2. Interesting game. And the friendly homeless people begs for a story. Bummer wait...from the woman whose hidda-key fell off somewhere. I was at Costco and Tim was in Colton. He sent Sam. Sam didn't know how to get to Costco and ended up driving down the full length of 82nd before calling me and telling me he was lost. We sat in the Costco food court and ate dinner while we waited. Not too bad.


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