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Awkward & Awesome


- getting a call from your children's school that your son has been suspended for 3 days for getting in a full-on brawl with two other students during recess. No, not the 13-year-old middle schooler... oh no... the SECOND GRADER.

Our house has turned into a house of shame. 

(Okay, more like a house of dire consequences. Those 3 days could not be more un-fun for said 2nd grader.)
{Breaking free from jail yesterday afternoon to grocery shop - we both needed it!}

- when you're hiking a 3 mile loop with a girlfriend and realize two thirds of the way around that your key fob fell out of your hoodie pocket somewhere along the way, and you have to turn around and retrace your steps, almost doubling your miles... and your sweat output.

- great workouts with girlfriends! Haha.

- this discovery, if you are a cadbury cream egg lover like myself:
Yes. They are absolutely delicious and amazing. Thank you, Easter aisle at Target.

- A freshly mowed lawn, and trampoline forts to play under.

- A plan-free weekend... starting today! Weeeee!

1 comment:

  1. Okay so my kids and I are making a trampoline fort asap!!!
    Enjoy your weekend!


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