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Monday Sunshine


The signs:
- Today, and off and on for the past week, we have finally had some real & glorious sunshine around here.
- My kids all finished their basketball seasons and currently have no practices or games they need to be driven to.
- We set the trampoline back up after a good 3 month break due to windstorms, and I may have briefly seen my boys yesterday.
- Our outdoor basketball court is also experiencing some high traffic and we've had to re-pump up 3 balls already.

Prognosis: SPRING, BABY!

First of all, to my family, I would like to say this.

I'm simply a happier person in the sunshine. Yes, I take vitamin D. It's just not the same. 

I'm also a happier person when my people, the beloved children I birthed, aren't all up in my bizzness ALL THE TIME. 

Yay for the dry outdoors!

 Blake! Hahaha. 


  1. Love your new blog photo and I agree....nothing we said during winter should be held against us!!!!

  2. Swooning over the sunset trampoline shot--awesome!


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