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Oh How We've Grown


When I started blogging back in 2010, this is what our family looked like...

{photo credit Be Photography}

(I still have this picture on my blog's "about me" page. Perhaps it's time to update it? Maybe?)

But look at us now!

Suuuuper crazy, right? I mean, TEENAGERS.

(The story behind our recent pictures is kind of funny. I wanted a picture for our Christmas cards so I asked my sister to come over one Sunday after church and we piled in our suburban and drove a couple miles up the road. We pulled over on the side when we came to a pretty spot, hopped out, and posed right on the center line while she snapped a couple shots. Maybe 5 total. Then we hopped back in the car and drove home, never seeing another vehicle. The whole thing took 10 minutes. We used my camera and I edited the shots and ordered my christmas cards online that evening. If that's not the easiest photo shoot you could ask for, I don't know what is. Thanks, Kelly!)

A lot has changed in six years. Back then I was an at-home mom working on potty training my youngest. I was home a lot more, had less commitments, and consistently blogged 5 days a week. For years.

Now I work outside the home part-time, run kids around to their different activities full-time, and am listening to my youngest recite multiplication, for pete's sake. I'm lucky to blog 2-3 times a week, or be caught up on laundry for even one day.

What hasn't changed though? I love my little blog, and I love my life... exactly how it is right now. Our theme in bible study this year is "seasons" - enjoying the season you're in - and I'm really embracing it. It's such a good season!

Can't wait to see where we are in another 6 years.


  1. Awesome Jod, and I love love love the photo- what a handsome bunch- even if I am a little biased.


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