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The Monday Report


We are down for the count here at The Halverson home. A bunch of head-cold sickos, minus Blake who thus far has escaped the plague upon us, and if that's not enough, yesterday, after coming home from a funeral, I slammed my thumb in the car door and silently cried for 10 minutes while Russell gently rubbed my back and talked of poking a hole right through my thumbnail to relieve the blood pressure, and all I could think was... not that, God, please not that. Soooooo, it's a bit of a sad life right now. Womp, womp.

But! It's a new day! And I didn't have to endure thumb torture after all, and it's supposed to be beautiful all week, according to the weather report (in fact, Thursday's description is "delightful with some sun" HA) so we have that going for us.

(Although really, is there anything ruder than a head cold on an 80 degree day?!)

Anyway. How was YOUR weekend? Sunday notwithstanding, we actually had a pretty good one. Friday night I attended the women's bible study kick off night at our church and had a really great time. Cooper had a cross country race Saturday morning and came 13th out of something like 80 middle school boys, and that evening we went to our first college volleyball game to cheer on our niece, Miranda, who is a starter for Multnomah University. She rocked it! So Yeah Jesus and sports!

And that's pretty much it for the report. Chances of me finally finishing the last season of Gilmore Girls on Netflix today are almost at 100%, if that gives you a hint of my plans for the day ;)


  1. Yes, bring on the sunshine and today's high... the 38 degree start to the day was a bit of a shocker.

  2. husband does the whole let me poke a hole in your nail thing. gives me shivers thinking about it
    Hope your week stays on the up side!


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