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Friday Photo Dump


If you don't follow me on (or use) instagram, here's a bit of what we've been up to the past few weeks! 

- when Russ realized the new Annie movie (family movie night!) was a musical... with LOTS of songs.
- movie date with Kendall and a friend to see the new Cinderella. We loved it!
- coffee date with Jana and our sweet Annie who left for a semester of college in Germany the next day. (We miss you, Annie!)
- Target with boys. Am I right? 

Around the house. Enjoying spring, the breeze through the french doors off our bedroom, my Georgette Heyer collection, and warm summer-like days in the backyard. 

Kendall picking new glasses. And the winner was...

Window #3, Bob! (bottom left)

- massage bed face (worth it)
- Pioneer Woman's Creamy Lemon Bars. To die for. 
- I don't mess around. The cereal of my childhood (in New Zealand) is not easy to find!
- when your nephew is over for the day and makes a ninja mask out of his chewing gum with unfortunate results. 

- and the prettiest baby shower (and mama) you ever did see! It was so sweet and lovely, just like my friend, Violet.

Have an extra awesome weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I gotta say that I can't blame Russ about the new Annie movie. I liked the songs from the first one, but the new movie seemed to drag on forever and I felt like they ruined the songs. :)


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