We hosted 74 ladies from all over western Oregon and parts of Washington for a 33-hour crop, which included 4 catered meals, 7 vendors, 2 make 'n take workshops, prizes and giveaways, 15-minute massages, an espresso cart, movies on the big screen, and lots of personal scrap space!
{Our crew: Kelly, Jana, Karyn, myself, Linley, and Gaylen}
{The scrapper's showcase, where ladies vote on their favorite layout or cards made over the weekend.}
{Karyn getting her nails done by Joni, our Jamberry Nail rep. It's not just about the scrapping!}
Personally, I got a lot accomplished myself besides helping run the show. My big project was photo organization from the past 3 1/2 years, and sorting through the THOUSANDS of cell phone pictures that I had thrown in randomly named files on my laptop over the years instead of putting them with my regular camera pictures in monthly files. It was a huge headache but I did it! And I feel sooooo good to have it done.
A TON of work goes into these weekends, with all the proceeds going to a ministry at our church, and by Saturday night we are poooooped. But then we start reading the comment cards left from our attendees and are so tickled pink by the compliments and praise our event receives that we start getting excited for the next one already! C'mon October 9th & 10th!
I'm so proud of Scrap Around the Clock :)