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A little update


"Little" because I've spent the past 24 hours trying to get my internet working and am so over it now! Though I'm happy to report that a tech guy just drove off with a very corroded piece of something from our electrical box outside after replacing it and I am finally back in service!

Hi. I've been a sketchy blogger of late and I blame life in general and too much Hay Day in particular ;)

We had a fun/crazy weekend though and I even took some pictures so I am choosing to power on and get a blog post up already, sheesh!

First of all, here we have a couple of cedar trees from the back of our property being driven off to get milled into decking for our new porch. Exciting business. (It may look like Russ is leaning against one of the trees, but I can assure you he is not because they were crawling with biting ants. Very creepy.)

And in even more exciting news, the basketball court project began! Along with a new power and water line from the pump house (closest gray building) to our house behind it in the picture (which is really in front of it because this is a view from the back yard). (Confused?). This involved a giant ditch being dug between our driveway and back door and since we can't use our front door right now because there's no decking on our porch, our life currently consists of daily ditch-hopping until the track hoe comes back in a week.

^^option B: you can also walk the plank^^
Speaking of track hoes, we accidentally ripped our water line with it on Friday, Russ fixed it that night, and then managed to break it again Saturday. So yeah, that was fun. 

Luckily I took myself off to a couple of baby showers Saturday and wasn't home to hyperventilate at the sight of my boys literally rolling around in all that dirt and then not being able to have them wash immediately upon stepping inside.

^^Noelle (soon to be mama) and her sister Nicole, party host extraordinaire^^

I failed to take pictures at the 2nd shower, or the potluck we went to at a friends later that evening (after water was restored and every single member of our family had showered), but it was a fun day. Followed by piano recitals Sunday, helping a friend pack Monday, work, bible study, working out, the kids' hunters safety classes (finally over after today, hallelujah!), and lots of other regular life stuff. 

I think that sums it up!

I'll be back later with my regular What I Wore post. Happy Wednesday, guys! 


  1. You're back! You're back! You're back! And my life can resume to it's normal happy state after getting my Jodi blog fix! All is right in the world - phew!!!

  2. Wow! Some very exciting things happening at su casa!! I love that you are using wood from your own trees for a deck! Can't wait to see the progress and finished products! :)


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