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late night Friday photo dump


Last Friday at the Oregon zoo with friends Dylan and Emily. It was a great day!

After the zoo I was honored to be invited out with these lovely ladies to celebrate our friend Tracy's birthday. 
Olive Garden and Divergent at the movie theaters. (really good!)

Saturday morning project: finally putting up the wall decal Kendall got for Christmas! 
It turned out super cute, even though you can't see the stems on the white dandelions in the picture.

And Saturday afternoon we went to a big family birthday party for Russ's grandma who turned 80 this month. This is just the family of one of her five children (my father-in-law, Gary) so I'm sure you can imagine what a big party it was! And we were even missing two of our clan!

March Madness is consuming the boys in my household right now. 
Cooper has his own bracket and isn't doing too bad!

And speaking of Cooper - Sunday was his 11th birthday. Instead of a "party" he invited two friends (his cousins Mark & Drew) over after church to watch March Madness, go birthday shopping with him, rent movies and get pizza for dinner, stay the night, and go swimming the next day! And thus began a 29 hour marathon of rowdy boy mayhem!

This required caffeine of course ;)

The swimming crew after two hours of pool fun. I finally wore them all out!

Blake decided to get all his favorite fixings out for me to make him a sandwich.
Yes, this included pickle relish and his beloved hot sauce. He swears he loved it! (Odd child.)

And this is where I am today (and the reason for the late post) - 33 hours of scrapbook madness began at 9 am Friday morning and will go until 6 pm Saturday night. We have our biggest group attending yet (70 ladies), from 3 different states, and so far it's been AWESOME!

And I'm loving time with these girls :)

Now back to scrapping!
Have a great weekend!


  1. You stay so busy. I have no idea how you keep up with it all.

    1. That's just because I don't write about all the naps I take between activities ;)


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