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Monday Confessional


- The day we got our Christmas tree I told myself this would be the year I remembered to keep it watered every day. Last night I remembered for the first time in seven days.

- I bought a new gold polka dot dress for Christmas Sunday service and even though it was a bit short I though I could pull it off with tights and maybe flats. Sadly, my mirror at home told me, "heck no, you cannot ma'am".
(^^items in mirror are shorter than they appear^^)
So back it went and this more matronly number filled it's place:
And I liked it.

- I wrapped ALL my presents Saturday thanks to my classy netflix viewing choice of My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding. I'm not saying I'm proud of my choice. I am saying I have no presents left to wrap. And there were a lot.

-  I made sure to order enough Christmas cards this year to send to all my family overseas and to our out-of-town friends. After having them for over a month, I finally addressed them a little over a week ago. And now, two days before Christmas, they are still sitting on my kitchen counter, staring at me. Why is a trip to the post office so hard?

- In the past week I forgot to bring my real camera to Blake's last basketball game, Cooper's last basketball game, my kid's school Christmas program, and our church Christmas service... where all three kids sang in choirs. At this point it will be a miracle if I actually remember it Christmas day.

- Today I have big plans that involve: sleeping in, sweatpants, a new book, and the fireplace. Dream big, folks, and Merry almost-Christmas :)


  1. My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding: sometimes the ends justify the means. Congrats on a job DONE! Enjoy your book and sweatpants. I have one errand to run but then mine are waiting faithfully at the end of the bed to don ASAP. (Sweatpants are totally what is referenced when we sing, "Don we now our gay apparel", right?) Merry Christmas, Jodi!

    1. Merry Christmas to you and happy wrapping in your gay apparel... hahaha :)

  2. Merry Christmas Jodi!
    k at

  3. 2 Things...One, you look smashing in that dress dear! Second of all, I totally watched every episode of that show within 3 days last week with my friend who has a newborn. She was watching it while snuggling and pumping and diaper changing. As for me, I have no excuse except for it was slightly fascinating. Like a train wreck you cannot remove your eyes from. Especially the episode with Pat Baby.

    1. Yes EXACTLY! A horrible, painful train wreck, that you have to keep watching ;) It's so crazy town!! Thanks for the dress compliment, you are sweet :) Merry Christmas!

  4. I'm gonna need to know where you bought both of those dresses!

    1. Haha... can do! The polka dot dress is from the junior dept at Kohl's and the black dress is Merona from Target! Merry Christmas!

  5. Great post! And sometimes the walk to the mailbox is just as long as the drive to the post office! That's what kids are for!!


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