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On hamsters and bucks and other things


First off, it's Monday morning and this marks day five since we last saw Cooper's hamster, Mrs. Cuddles. She escaped last Wednesday night while we were at church and after much crying (Cooper), house tearing apart (everyone), and more crying (Cooper again), we set out food and assumed we'd see her when she decided to come out of hiding.

I think it's pretty safe to say that day has come and gone. Mrs. Cuddles done gone climbed into the hole in the laundry room wall behind the washing machine and escaped under the house and got herself EATEN is what I'm thinking. (But not saying to Cooper of course because we are avoiding that subject with a ten-foot pole. It's going to come up soon though. Lord help us all.)

Speaking of dead animals... Russell enjoyed hunting success this weekend.
(Another thing I'm not touching with a ten-foot pole.)

So we had a fun weekend. We had a family movie night at home Friday night with the kids, eating popcorn and watching Iron Man 3. Saturday morning was when Russ shot his buck, early enough that he was still able to make it to Blake's last soccer game of the season, and the little pizza party for the team afterwards. 

Saturday afternoon we watched our niece Miranda play in the district playoffs with her volleyball team and they seeded 2nd to state, with a home state playoff game this coming Wednesday. SUPER exciting stuff in our small sports-lovin' world here, people! 

And yesterday afternoon was spent with new friends from church, relaxing over amazing lasagna and homemade artisan bread with carrot cake for dessert. It was the best day ever, as far as Sundays not involving me having to cook at all go ;)

And that was the weekend! Pretty good all around, except for the lack of hamsters reappearing out of thin air, which is what we were secretly hoping for. Darn it. 


  1. Ooh! Bummer about the hamster. That happened to us when we were little kids and my mom had the unfortunate experience of finding him under the refrigerator! Your little guy looks adorable holding his trophy too :)

  2. Awww, poor Mrs. Cuddles. :( Blake looks so proud of his trophy, lol!

    1. Oh my goodness THE TROPHY! Made his young life complete ;)

  3. Cute blog!! That's a nice Buck. This year my husband only got a little one! I'm not complaining! Less meat in my freezer lol

    1. Thanks, Kim! And I hear you! It's not my favorite, that's for sure.

  4. COME BACK MRS. CUDDLES!!!! Who will repeatedly push all of her sawdust onto your kitchen floor? Or take the fresh newspaper from the bottom of her cage and shove it all into her hamster ball? Your petting zoo is declining rapidly sis... I fear for the fish next!!

    1. Based on the fact that I can't keep indoor plants alive... the animals were never a safe bet really.

  5. lovely saga except for mrs cuddles:)

  6. maybe a Christmas present for Coop?!


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