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Awkward and Awesome


It's time for a little more awkward and lot a more awesome!

- the makeover Kendall gave me last night. And my attempts at keeping a straight face when I saw it in the mirror. Obviously I have taught her NOTHING in the art of makeup application and have my work cut out for me.
-  the number of times the siding guys have shown up bright and early this past week and knocked on the front door to ask/tell me something when I have yet to put on my bra. Ridiculous.
- Oregon's recent return to winter-like weather (no kidding, 42 degrees yesterday afternoon) after a lovely dry spring that turned out to be nothing but a nasty ruse to woo us into bringing out our summer wardrobes way too early. RUDE.
- the record breaking amount of Hi-chews I've eaten in the past few days. Ever heard of them? Costco sample tables (my biggest weakness) made me buy them and the apple and mango flavors are the best in case you were wondering.
Almost empty bag courtesy of my kids (50%) and me (the other 50%)

- learning how to make scones and discovering how quick and easy and AMAZING they are! A friend shared this recipe with me, with the tip of using only 1/2 cup of butter instead of 3/4 cup, and freezing it first and then just grating it into the dry ingredients. I added pecans and white chocolate and can't wait to try other combos next, because oh I WILL be making more!

- rainy day fort building.

- the two new dresses I have in my closet just waiting to wear this summer (when and if it ever arrives).
One I bought at the beach two weekends ago (turquoise - from Maurice's), and the other my friend Beth bought and then decided it didn't work for her so she GAVE it to me, still brand new! (from Ross). And that's why having girlfriends is awesome. (Okay there are other reasons too, but clothes sharing is waaay up there.)
- my new blog design! It was about time I spruced things up around here. I found Laura's etsy shop off another blog and made the inexpensive plunge (really inexpensive!) to have a custom design done for me. God bless Laura's heart for interpreting my thoughts and desires, and changed desires, and second thoughts, and wait... I have a different thought..., because guess what? Turns out I am PICK-EEEEE. She was totally awesome though, check her out HERE.

And have an awesome Thursday!


  1. The new blog looks amazing! Yay!

  2. LOVE your new blog look! And, two new dresses? How fabulous. Can't wait to see them on a WIWW.


  3. Looks good Jods! We'll talk more at the baseball game!!:)

  4. What a sweetie! Thank you, I loved working on your design with you!

  5. I want to see a photo of the makeover!! Why are you taunting me thus??

    The crocheted dress is sooooo pretty!! If it doesn't work for you, I can tell you where I live! :)

    1. Haha, I seriously considered taking a picture of myself but just couldn't do it... it was pretty awful!


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