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Your Monday morning updates


We have three new sheep in the fold: Hazel and Sugar (Kendall and Blake's new ewes), and a brand new baby lamb born last night to Hazel! Sugar is also pregnant so when she lambs we'll be up to seven sheep total. Yikes.
Left to right: Millie the lamb, Shadow, Rusty, Sugar (black), and still pregnant Hazel (white).
Hazel's baby this morning, not even 12 hours old
Here's their pen/stable/shed/whatever you call it. Complete with light and radio that are both turned on at night to keep coyotes away.
sheep goat shed

In non-sheep related news, I spent the weekend here:
Running the registration table
The pink brigade: Karyn, Kelly, Linley, Annie, myself, and Gaylen
What I worked on... my project life album for 2012
Total blast of a weekend. We had 52 ladies attend this year and we are already planning our fall scrap in October!

And in non-sheep, non-scrapbooking news, my mother left this morning to finish her dream, walking the entire Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). Last summer she hiked 1,450 miles from Sierra City, California to the end of the trail just over the Canadian border. This morning she is on her way to San Diego to start at the Mexico border and hike the 1,200 miles back to Sierra City. Her goal is to complete the trip by the end of June.
Headed to the airport with her backpack. Dad is mailing her resupplies to stops along the way.
I'm 15% waaaaahhhh, and 85% Go Mum!

(Not really. She has my full support. And demands to never leave for longer than two weeks the rest of her life. I've made it very clear.)

We had a farewell BBQ for her yesterday and celebrated with banoffee pie, which is my new favorite dessert in the whole wide world. 

And that was the weekend! Happy Monday, folks :)


  1. The sheep pen looks really good, GREAT job Russ, Coop & Blake!!! I can't wait for the boys to get to play with the lambs tomorrow, Elijah will be in hog heaven!!! I'll make sure to send them with boots - and at least three outfits changes for E! And I'm about 15% waaaaahhhhhhh this morning too... had to hold in the tears a bit talking to her at the airport before she boarded her flight. Walk fast Mum, walk fast!!!!!

  2. Baby sheep!! So cute!! Their pen looks perfect! Your mom is amazing! Hope she has a great trip!


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