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An Easter miracle


Well besides the wonderful miracle of the risen Christ, the other miracle of Easter this year was the beautiful weather. 70 + degrees and not even April!

We had an amazing Easter service at church yesterday morning and then spent the rest of the day outdoors, celebrating with friends and family. We ate lunch, had an easter egg hunt for the kids, and spent the afternoon at Russ's sister's house, and then went up to Grandma Tracy's for Easter egg hunt #2 and dinner!

And now behold: the Easter picture fest!

The Halversons all cleaned up for Easter service.

 With Kelly and Christine, our brother's girlfriend.

 The iddy-biddy choir (Blake 2nd in from the left in the middle row)

The kids choir (Kendall center top row and Cooper 100% hidden behind the first row)

egg hunting at Aunt Cara's

 With my parents and sister at Tracy's. 

And off they go! Egg hunt #2

Organizing the haul (aka finding all the good candy ;)

Picture fest complete :)


  1. Love all your Easter pictures! Beautiful faces and bright, beautiful colors. I do have to admit...I'm a tiny (ok, not so tiny) bit jealous of your 70+ weather. It is spring break (ha!) here, and today it was 31 and snowing.

    1. OH MY GOSH! I can't imagine! The weather really was an Oregon miracle though - we've had PLENTY of forced indoor egg hunts over the years!

  2. Great Pics Jodi! Love your family:-)


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