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Call me madam adventure


Because I went on my first snow showing trip and there's no stopping me now!

I LOVED it.  Actually, I don't know how I managed to go this long without trying it out because of how into snow showing my Mum is, but we rectified that last weekend, on the most gorgeous spring day possible.

{Why hello, Mt. Hood, we meet again.}

Mum invited me to join her and our friends Therese and Sarah for an easy 3 mile trek from Frog Lake to Lower Twin Lake and back and it was just perfect, Sarah also being a snow shoe virgin and neither of us wanting to take on more than we could handle, or more accurately, waddle. (It's a little awkward at first walking with your legs wider than you normally would.)

(As you can see I was not going to miss a photo opportunity of me in snow shoes... SNOW SHOEING FOR REALS!)

When we reached Lower Twin Lake we stopped for a break and a snack, and ended up feeding some friendly gray jays (aka camp robbers). 

Not pictured: Therese getting adventurous and feeding them off her head, and Mum falling backwards head over heels while trying to get up from a crouched photo shooting position.

Good times.

By the time we got back to the car to head home Sarah and I were already declaring our love for the snow shoe and willingness to go again.

Translation: Mum and Therese, you need to plan another trip :)


  1. Oh, I can so take you up on that ! :D read, perhaps an alternate Friday that I have no responsibilities ?!...I hear new snow is coming to MT hood.

  2. that looks like so much fun! my friend lives in Portland and gets to go to Mt. Hood a lot...needless to say, I'm quite jealous here in the Mitten state.

    I've nominated you for a Liebster award:

    I'd love for you to check it out!

    Have a great Saturday Jodi! :)

    Barb F.

    1. Thank you, Barb! I'd love to come check it out :)


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