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Because sometimes the simple act of uploading your instagram pics and captioning them is too much work for a Friday (or even a Saturday).

Last weekend was date night. Or as we called it, "cheap date night". Free movie tickets from Christmas and a stop at the Yogurt Shack for some froyo on the way, plus free babysitting from Grandma = $4.83 well spent! We saw Jack Reacher and I can tell you that I am not above being entertained by a good action/suspense guy movie involving Tom Cruise.

 Cows in the midst. Not as exciting as gorillas, but not as dangerous either.

 Blake looking tiny in our master bath pool tub. I couldn't fill it or it would go over his head!

After several days of freezing mist that never lifted, our place looked like a winter wonderland minus any actual snow. Just layers and layers of frost.

 My kids meeting their new cousin (technically 2nd cousin) for the first time.

 And me getting my snuggles in.

 Indulging in a little sweet treat after a long grocery shopping trip.

Blake was pretty pleased to be along for the trip!

And then Friday we had to go visit Tristan again because I was Blake was having withdrawals. Yeah, that's it! ;)

And now is when I would usually wish you all a great weekend, but since it's pretty much over, I'll just say, have a great week!


  1. I always look forward to your blogs...content for Monday to begin

  2. I returned the favor and stopped by. I like the way you write! Many blessings to you and your sweet young family.


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