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Christmas favorites


I figure since Christmas was basically a week and a half ago that maybe I should recap how ours went. You know, so I can look back and cry at how little my kids still were once upon a time.

I've had a busy couple days though and am now off to watch the Ducks play in the Fiesta bowl so how about mostly just pictures?

Yes? Sounds good? Alright then!

The Sunday before Christmas was our Christmas Extravaganza at church, followed by the Wilson family Christmas that afternoon:
 Oh look, we clean up pretty well!

 Grandma and Papa with all their grandkids.

 Kelly's new rain boots from our brother

 That Uncle Jamin, he's such a great gift giver!

Excited about my heated throw and white mocha mix from my parents.

Russ had to work Monday but me and the kids stayed the night at my parents and enjoyed a french toast and bacon breakfast and a day of playing board games. Then, that evening (Christmas Eve) we came back home and did our own family Christmas:
 A Surprise little photo book for daddy to take to his office at work.

 Blake asked for a flannel work jacket like daddy's. Except with a hood and "with dirt on it" :)

New headphones

Right up Cooper's alley!

Christmas day we were at Russ's parents with all the Halversons:
 Uncle Steve and Aunt Kathy, Grandpa, Erik and Tricia, Russ, Grandma, and Tim

 Ben, Great Grandma Halverson, Debbie & Kendall

A cool gift from cousin Anna who's home visiting from ORU in Oklahoma.

And finally, the Saturday after Christmas was our last family gathering - with all of my mother-in-law's family up in Portland:
Sporting our handmade winter headbands from Aunt Nikki and cousin Naomi (from back left:) Teri, Aunt Shelly, Anna, Cara, (front left:) Tricia, me, and Aunt Becki. 

Obviously there were some different opinions on the correct way to wear them. No matter, they were cute and comfy!

All the kids 12 and under get a visit from Santa! (Uncle John)

 And cool things like Legos!

 And come-back racers!

And that's all the pictures I have because I was mostly busy taking videos, eating, or opening gifts myself! 

Really fun times, that's what we had. 


  1. Great re to see the book of your kids. Fab guys made out like bandits ;D

  2. I love how your son asked for a coat like Daddy's, with dirt on it! So funny!

  3. looks like a delightful christmas!

    btw- i LOVE my heated throw. i have had the heating unit go out on it, but thankfully it's from costco and replacing it has been easy peasy.

    1. Mine was from Costco too - good to know! (I've used it everyday since Christmas :)

  4. You guys really do clean up nicely :-)

    A heated throw??!! Where can I get one of those?

    1. Costco, baby! (Or Walmart, or probably any department store)


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