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Fact #1: I love Broadway shows & musicals waaaaaay more that music concerts.
Fact #2: Musicals make excellent surprise birthday presents.
Fact #3: I have the best friend in the whole wide world.

And that sums up how I ended up at Memphis last night, a show just starting it's national tour with it's first stop in Portland.

It was amazing. AMAZING!

The singing! The dancing! The comedy! I loved it all.
Jana did too. We're Broadway buddies, you see.

We were trying to figure it out last night and I think we decided this was our seventh show together since dragging our husbands to Cinderella in 2001. (Consequently, they never let us drag them to a musical ever again. In fact, when I told Russ about my birthday surprise his first words were, "this isn't a couples gift is it?" - haha. NO.)

But that's okay, I'd much rather go with a girlfriend anyway. So thank you again, my lovely, lovely friend!


  1. Russell's response made me laugh. I think that is what I would say too, but I would go with my wife if she gave me the sad puppy dog eyes.


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