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To the fair!


Saturday night we went to the county fair to:

- model in the fashion show (Kendall)
- see the animals (Grandpa)
- ride the rides (the cousins & the boys)
- eat an elephant ear (me)
- look at all the art (Grandma)
- see the quilts entered (friend Sharon)
- be dragged around looking at way too many exhibits until his brain exploded (Russ)
- and watch Kendall and see how she did on her projects (all of us)

All of the above was accomplished, making for a very successful evening.

(Unless you ask Russ, of course.)

Kendall's watercolor won reserve grand champion and is going on to the state fair next weekend!

Her acrylic painting of fancy dresses was picked for a "special award" and her poem won reserve champion.

Modelling the dress she made in the fashion show.

Kendall's fan club: (back row) me, Blake, Russ, Grandpa, Grandma, friends Tracy and Danielle. 
(Front row) cousin Lizzy, Kendall, cousin Debbie, and Cooper.

And our friend Sharon.

So proud of our girl!

                                                                         Lots of animals to see!

Sadly, there is no picture of the magnificent elephant ear as it was consumed too quickly.

Oh, I love the fair!


  1. I love all the photos, especially the top one of Kendall..what a great support crew, what a fun evening !!

  2. What a fun day! Good Job Kendall. You should be one proud mama Jodi! :) And I am glad you enjoyed an elephant ear, now I don't feel so sorry for myself for missing one this year!

  3. what a fun time! great job kendall! what a great dress. she is a CUTIE!

  4. What great fun you all have been having lately and Congratulations to Miss. Kendall for all her awards- Woot Woot

  5. Nice job, Kendall! I liked your poem. I think from now on I will call you backwards Bob:)

  6. Love all the creativity. My girls came home ready to be all domestic! It's catchy

  7. What a beautiful family you have! and my oh my I almost forgot it's almost time for the fair to come to town where I live - uh oh, better get ready...financially, stomach-ly, and excitedly! haha. just found your blog from Lauren's page nominating you for the Versatile blogging award - I was nominated to and just wanted to check everyone else's blog out! cute blog! newest follower :)


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