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A hikers update


Look who we got to pick up off the hiking trail Tuesday afternoon!

Mum has now hiked over 900 miles (North from Northern California) and has less than 600 to go (to Canada). Since she had reached the point of the Pacific Crest Trail that is closest to home we met her and brought her home to stay for a couple of nights before she hits the trail again until September. 

Oh how good it was to see her! It was a wonderful reunion, capped off by dinner at Calamity Jane's in Sandy on the way home. Once there Mum showered and cleaned up and weighed herself - down 15 lbs so far!
Hiking 25-30 miles per day for a couple of months will do that to ya. 

Mum has been having a MARVELOUS time. She is making amazing time, meeting all sorts of interesting and kind people on the trail, and most importantly, fulfilling her life dream. It was so fun to hear her stories, see her pictures, and touch and hug her repeatedly. 

When she goes back up to the trail the kids and I are actually going to accompany her and her friend Kim (her amazing one-man support crew that follows her in her camp trailer to resupply her pack every few days) to camp overnight and do a day hike with. Excited about that!

Gorgeous Mt. Hood - where we picked up Mum
Besides the company, the views are going to be amazing!


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