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Catching up on life through my Instagram pics & linking up here...
life rearranged

At a graduation party for our friend Isaac who just graduated from the University of Portland with a double major in technology management and finance. I think. I know I'm close.

Anyway, he's a super-smarty, went through all four years of school on the Ford Scholarship, and is going to rule the world, or some giant company, someday!

I don't remember my dad ever singing a song special in church before, but last weekend it happened! And it was a surprise, and so amazing! I was as proud as if it was my child up there instead of my parent.

Starting the morning off right. If it doesn't happen in bed before I even get up in the morning it doesn't usually happen at all. Sad but true.

New discovery at Costco. And OH MY WORD are these babies delicious. Butter and put under the broiler for a couple of minutes and enjoy. (This works better if you ignore the calories involved.)

Also discovered at Costco, but not nearly as good as Philippine brand dried mangoes. Which is sad because I'm a huge fan of anything coconut and had high hopes for these. Ah well, at least my kids dug in and enjoyed.
 Miley was here. And OOOOH was she in trouble!

Cooper's first baseball game (of his life!) was last night and the kid was petrified... but so cute! Looking forward to more games and him losing his jitters and really enjoying himself.

Blake would rather play with the bullets and shields than actually shoot Nerf guns. He has already fully entertained himself in his make-believe world for an hour this morning.

Which is nice because I'm packing for the beach! And if you know the Oregon coast at all, you know that the above forecast is about as good as it's gonna get for this time of year (and often ANY time of year!) Yay!

Enjoy YOUR weekends too, friends :)


  1. Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!


  2. Oh no! Naughty Miley for chewing on the blinds! I guess she just wanted to look out the window...? :O

  3. Hey there fellow PNW blogger friend. I am SO stoked for this weekends weather. It's proof that Jesus loves us moms. Your pics and your family is super cute. Oh hi, I'm new here, No..el. Found you through the link up. Happy to be your newest member.

  4. Chonga sticks? Seriously? Those are my favorite bagels from Starbucks! Wonder if our Costco has them?? And, I am loving this warm weather we're having in the PNW!

  5. How cute that you were all proud of your dad singing!! :)

    I'm on the coast, too. You never know when you're gonna get a good day, so when it's hot we head to the beach (as if it were a snow day or something). :)


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