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Awkward and Awesome Thursday


- my inability lately to correctly write down medical appointment info on my calendar or in my cell phone. Three times now in the past couple of weeks, THREE TIMES, I have messed up and either showed up at the wrong time, on the wrong day, or not at all. (Yesterday I got the right time but was a day late. And a dollar short.)

- losing my wedding ring after putting hand lotion on in the car in town yesterday and back tracking my entire day to search parking lots with my daughter, calling the places I stopped to leave my info in case a kind heart turned it in, only to come home and find it on my bathroom counter. Right where I left it. (In my defense, I would like to chuck my daughter under the bus here and at least partially blame her, because while I honestly couldn't remember if I'd had it on or not, she swore she saw me take it off when I put on the hand lotion. SWORE.)

- Coming to the realization that my nine year old is about to surpass my multiplication math skills and he's not even in the fourth grade yet. Ouch. 

- the encouragement I received from the comments on my WIWW blog post yesterday. I can't really describe how much they meant to me. I love my blog friends!

- turning a failed trip to town with Kendall to visit the eye doctor into a shopping excursion and lunch date at the Great Harvest Bread Co. instead. I had so much fun with that girl! I also picked up a couple of cute cropped cardigans at Old Navy, which never would have happened if I'd showed up on the right day for Kendall's eye exam, so all's well that ends well, I say.

- The Ocean Trilogy movie marathon I had myself the past couple of days. Although this could technically qualify under the awkward list since I was caught and majorly eye-rolled at by my husband when he found me still going strong at 2 am in the morning. But gosh, I love those films, so I'm sticking with awesome.


  1. Kendall swearing she saw you take the ring off when you were putting on lotion made me chuckle. Also, Coopers math skills sound very impressive! Nice to see him get a hit the other night.

  2. "I would like to chuck my daughter under the bus" hahahaha! Love this....and love that you said "chuck"....I never hear anyone in the States say that :)

    And thank you soooo much for your sweet comment on my blog, so lovely of you! Don't even get me started on the real chocolate thing (Hershey's....seriously people, you call THAT chocolate?!), and I'm definitely a vegemite girl :) I do miss Oz, especially my family who are all there.

    Btw, I'm part of the watching-tv-until-2am club too....can be brutal the next day, but totally worth it :)

  3. Preach it, Megan, I've been saying the same thing about Hershey's for YEARS! Haha


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