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Oh Fridays, how I love you. Half day of school for the children, start of the weekend for my husband, and workout morning with my friend Kristie (well I don't love that part, but I feel good afterwards!)

Aaaand... InstaFriday!

life rearranged

Freshly stocked from the MAC counter. New little eyeshadow boxes make me happy!

Girl date! At Mirror, Mirror with my mother, mother-in-law, daughter, sister-in-law, and two nieces. Super fun. 

Riding in style with Cooper's class on a field trip to Franz Bakery in Downtown Portland. 

While driving we played 20 questions and Draw Something... which grew quite the crowd of kids hovering around our shoulders, and let me tell you that everyone's a drawing expert when you're not the one actually drawing! 

Oh rainy Oregon, you were a little bleak this week. 

All that rain makes for lots of green and moss though, so while it's too wet to swing in this tree, it sure is pretty to look at!

What have we here? Cream eggs with my name written on them? Well I think I'll help myself then!

(Thank you Mum and Dad for still give me candy on Easter ;)

On of my very faves. 5 mini-eggs were eaten during the watching of this show :)

Which is why it's a good thing I'm off to work out this morning! 
Happy Friday!


  1. Awesome pic of you and Coop on the bus...and great pics all round.

  2. You have no idea how jealous I am of the package of Creme Eggs!

  3. Love draw something! And MAC shadows I just got two new ones too :) I got bronze one of yours looks similar.
    We had rain almost all week too!
    Have a great weekend:)

  4. Pretty, pretty eye shadows. Something about those little boxes just elicit happiness. Love Big Bang Theory. So hilarious!


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