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InstaFriday - road trip edition!


Chronicling our road trip to Eastern Oregon to cheer on our Cougars in the 1A Basketball State Championships, and taking cell phone pics every step of the way :)

Wednesday morning: Goodbye wet and rainy Western Oregon.

 Wednesday afternoon: Hello dry and sunny Eastern Oregon!

Traveling requires treats. 

It's a law. 
A Jodi law

After we arrived, ate dinner, and settled into our motel,
we went to the first set of evening games,
and discovered that Kendall came fully prepared with her own cheerleading squad. 
(I love 10-year-olds.) 

Thursday morning: our hotel room was designated kid central. 
Believe me when I tell you it got A LOT messier than this.
(All was calm watching America's Funniest Home Videos though.)

Thursday afternoon: Game time, baby!

Goooo Team!

And apparently I was too excited/nervous/focused on the game after this because there's no more game pics, but the important thing is WE WON! 
Now we're in the winner's bracket and we play again this evening. 

At some point during the day my sister Kelly and I discovered that we come prepared to basketball games... this pile came from both of our purses.
Should I be embarrassed? Because I'm totally willing to be if necessary ;)

Linking up to InstaFriday HERE
life rearranged

Happy Friday! 


  1. Finally, someone else who loves Coconut M&M's. LOVE them. I just did a post on Dove Coconut Creme Eggs. They have them at Target in the Easter section.....yum!

  2. Coconut M&Ms? I just can't decide whether they sound amazing or terrible! I guess I'd have to try them to make up my mind! :S

  3. Candy is a must at any stressful situation. I'm glad you were both prepared as you should be.

  4. Jodi law! Haha! And yes, 10 year olds are great! :)


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