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We're down to single digits!


9 days till Christmas!

Although the shopping is done, the wrapping has yet to commence.
 And we still don't have a tree.
 But I bought the kids new Christmas stockings yesterday and hung them up, so there's that.
 Kendall came home from her basketball game last night, saw them, and said, "you decorated!"

God bless her heart. We're a sad case over here.

So what's been keeping us so busy that we haven't had time to drive down the street to pick a tree? Hmmm, where should I begin...

Husband's basketball team's practices and games and pre-season tournaments. There's a LOT of them.
Daughter's basketball practices and games. Thankfully over as of last night.
Sister-in-law's 40th birthday bash that I've been helping plan and am decorating for this weekend. So excited!
Miscellaneous church and school related events, and the baking required for them. Not that I'm complaining.
Grocery shopping. (Yesterday, and oh, was it a looong one.)
Late night stocking-stuffer shopping with my mother, ending with her locked out of her running vehicle in an empty parking lot AT MIDNIGHT, in 25 degree weather. Fun times. 

And today Jana and I are off on our annual shopping day to buy something new to wear on Christmas day, because we can and who needs another reason besides that? Eating out will also be involved, something we are quite passionate about.
Shopping day 2010
After that it's our kid's school Christmas program in the evening, followed by a late night date to see the new Sherlock Holmes. Then Saturday is decorating and partying it up for Tricia's 40th, so it looks like Sunday's the day. ON SUNDAY WE SHALL HAVE A TREE, I SWEAR IT!

I hope your weekends are all swell :) 


  1. Love this tradition. I want to find a friend to go Christmas outfit shopping with! :)

  2. 7 days until Christmas! And, I've given you the Liebster blog award :)

  3. Hope your shopping trip was successful!


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