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The weekend report


Well there's not much to report, sadly. All plans came to a halt when Blake came down with a fever Friday night that didn't go away for the rest of the weekend.

Do you know how many TV shows you can get caught up on when you're stuck home all weekend with a slug-on-a-log three year old? (Five is the answer. I know, I was impressed too.)

I got my domestic on too, cooking and baking and keeping the house relatively clean... always a tricky thing on the weekend. Here's a few pics of what else went on...

Kendall stacked three cords of firewood all on her own. Earning herself $25 buck towards Kanani (yes, the American Girl dream lives on).

Russell and his buddy David built a 24 foot lean-to off our shop. In 3 days.

We got new rock for our driveway and it made for a fun game for these two.
(Until Daddy smoothed it out.)

Blake pretty much looked like this all weekend, poor guy.
 Kendall and cousin Maddy (we shipped in friends since we weren't going out) let me experiment on their hair... I give you the sock bun! 

And then Blake stole my camera and took the following 4 pictures...

Someone's finally feeling better!
CAUGHT! I sometimes wear leopard jammy pants all day long! (And I have a messy, unfinished laundry room.)

"Hey, you little camera stealer!" 
And that's the weekend report. Here's to a fever-free week :)


  1. Looks like such a cozy weekend nevertheless:) Hope the fam is feeling better!

  2. Four of my five kids took turns with a fever last week, but this weeks looks to be fever-free. Here's to a good week for both of us!

  3. I love all the pictures..the Autumn colours look really good in the yard..and I'm impressed with the lean to..awesome job. ( Blake take really good pictures aye ?! nice to see him on the up and up )

  4. Cute sock buns and pajamas! :) We once had a mountain of sand like your gravel and the kids went crazy and had sooo much fun in it! :)


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