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We ate and shopped and ate some more


It's been a full past few days.

2 kid's open house Thanksgiving parties at school. Check.
3 Thanksgivings. Check.
1 all-nighter shopping trip. Check. 
2 books read. Check.
2 evenings of friends over. Check.
4 movies watched. Check.
1 new board game learned. Check.
General lack of sleep and laundry washing. Check and check.

So. We had a great Thanksgiving. (All three times.) First with Russ's family, then with my family, and finally yesterday with our friends, the Cox family. And I can tell you that regardless of the small portions and no seconds that I stuck to, I'm pretty sure I ate my weight in holiday food this weekend.

Darn you sweet potatoes for your power over me!

Pictures from all three Thanksgiving meals. 
It was all so, so good. And so was the company!

The shopping was good too, if you don't mind a side of COMPLETE INSANITY. I'll be back to tell the tale tomorrow, when I'm not so hungover from turkey and three different kinds of dessert :)

1 comment:

  1. Dude... 3 Thanskgivings??? You had one busy weekend... but it looks fun! :)

    What books did you read this time?


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