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The Scrap recap


Fall 2011 Scrap Around the Clock
I'm finally recovered from the weekend and it's a good thing too, I'm watching my two nephews today and between them, Blake, and the dog I've had my hands full. (To give you a clue of how full: I started this post 3 hours ago.)

It was a good weekend. Old and new friends, fun chick flicks, delicious food, 15 minute massages, white mochas, and lots and lots of scrapbooking! Scrap Around the Clock was another great success and even though I only slept for 4 hours Friday night, it was enough of a rest to last me through the end of Saturday. Which is a good thing since Sunday was dubbed "paint the house addition" day and my day of rest turned into a day of driving half an hour to Home Depot - twice - for paint and supplies and then helping paint in between doing laundry (yes, still) and feeding everyone. Productive? Yes. Relaxing? Not at all.

But that's okay. I got to have my fun on Friday and Saturday and the lack of sleep was totally worth it.

And look who joined us this year!
Our mother! Mum, the most avid NON-scrapper you've ever met, decided that working on an online album of her trip to Hawaii might actually be kinda-sorta-maybe fun and ended up staying awake almost the whole 24 hours! She readily admitted that the weekend was very different from what she'd always pictured and a total blast. (We told you, Mum! ;)

Even though I was busy being a hostess and also got sucked into the movies big time (hello, Soul Surfer and Flipped - my faves from the weekend), I was able to be a bit productive myself, completing 7 pages. Nothing compared to the 25-35 pages some ladies made, but enough to make me feel like I got something accomplished.

Which I can not say about my day so far today... unless keeping 3 boys ages three and under happy and out of trouble counts, in which case I've done an outstanding job!


  1. That looks like SO much fun! I miss scrapbooking so much...need to carve out some time to get back into it. Did you help plan it? Maybe I could get an event like that going in my town! :)

  2. Fun! :) Glad you got to have time away to do something you really enjoy!!

  3. Thanks Linda! Mandy I did help plan it... actually we're in our 8th or 9th year of running them twice a year!! It's very popular :)


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