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Blue earrings and George Washington


Last Sunday our church had a special event called the C.I. Fair. (C.I. standing for "common interest groups".)

Tables were set up all around the perimeter of the building showcasing all the different outreach, connect, and grow groups available to join in and be a part of in our church body. 

After our church service I was helping man the Scrap Around the Clock table when Cooper approached me with his hands behind his back. Blushingly he brought out a pair of earrings - blue beaded earrings that had been on display as an example at the "Beadelicious!" beading group table and that he had asked to buy for his Mom.

"I bought these for you, Mom."

I was so touched. 

(And concerned. Cooper came to church with no money in his pocket. How did he pay for said earrings?)

Turns out he found one of his Grandmas and asked for the money to buy them. 

Grandmas are the best aren't they?

So I'm rocking my blue bead earrings today and Cooper is pleased. as. punch.

In other news, his drawing ventures continue, and this is his latest...
"George Washington on blue lines"
Not too Shabby, eh?


  1. Would Cooper be willing to give lessons in thrilling their mother's to other small children... namely mine??

  2. How super sweet of Cooper! It's the littlest things that mean so much isn't it?

  3. I'd recognize that 'George' anywhere. Cooper bought you a ring on one of your earlier are giving his future wide a great gift!

  4. He has good taste... what a sweetie! His Washington drawing is amazing!! :)

  5. What an great drawing...totally looks like Washington ..I love Coops tender heart..and his gift of giving.


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