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I love to laugh


Which is a good thing since I've been doing it a lot lately. 

- Like on Sunday afternoon when I walked into my kitchen and saw two German shepherd dogs I had never seen before slowly trotting past the window. Interested, I looked out back to where my husband and his best friend David were working on a project to see if they would notice the dogs and start yelling at them to scram. 

Oh they noticed alright, the dogs were headed straight their way. But instead of yelling at them, I watched the guys RUN FOR THE TRUCK AND JUMP UP INTO THE CAB, getting clear out of the way. I busted a gut right there and then in my kitchen. And then opened the window to make sure they could hear me laughing my head off at them. They both grinned sheepishly before climbing back down and watching the dogs continue across our tree field and onto the neighbors property. Best moment of the day. 

- Or yesterday, when Kendall said she wanted to tell me a cool thing she made up about God. It went like this:
G stands for Good to us
O stands for Always there
D stands for Does good

Of course I told her it was lovely. Especially if we prayed to GAD.

- Or last night, when Russ decided to live on the wild side and watch TWO episodes of Monk on Netflix after his basketball practice, explaining that we better start getting the maximum enjoyment out of our new flatscreen as quickly as possible before he starts regretting his purchase.

Oh I really laughed then. In what could possibly be interpreted as an evil "I TOLD you so!" kind of way. Which it totally was. I just love being right :)


  1. Lol about those 'eeeebul' puppy-dogs...I can see them jumping for their lives...saying 'Help me Gad!', so funny Jodi.

  2. Very funny... I love Russ and David stories. I can't wait to hear Russ and Dave's version. They may go in to detail about the rabid, snarltooth, wolves they had to fight off with their bare hands?

  3. Very funny... I love Russ and David stories. I can't wait to hear Russ and Dave's version. They may go in to detail about the rabid, snarltooth, wolves they had to fight off with their bare hands?

  4. Someone needs to teach this Tim guy not to click the publish tab twice in a row... patience is a virture!

  5. A virture hmmm? Does the bible of GAD talk about that? ;)

  6. Oh, Jodi I love being right too! However, the book of Gad does say haughtiness comes before a fall so I better be careful in all my rightness! :)

  7. Sweetheart.I really, really wish I could tell you somehow..just how much I enjoy your blog
    ...huh?...really?..oh...weell awwll rightee then.

    Sweetheart. I really enjoy your blog.

  8. Yay Gary! You conquered the comments section!! And awwww, thank you :)

  9. I'm pretty sure Gad is who the people in Boston pray too.

  10. Very funny about the dogs and the scaredy-cat men...but I'm really enjoying Kendall's poem about Gad. That made me smile extra big!

  11. What a crack up!..Loved that you opened the window to laugh out loud..sooo funny..and then, still chucking over your comment to Kendall's poem ..priceless!!.. before that I was trying to pronounce "Olways "
    ..glad you have all this written down for future reference ;D


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