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Us, in color - part 2


I meant to post these last night, but someone was watching the Portland Blazers game live online and wouldn't let me on the computer during the commercials when I asked oh so politely. So then I asked quite impolitely, and got an impolite response, and things kinda went downhill from there, ending in me realizing I was in the middle of a PMS-induced hormonal rage and putting myself to bed for the safety and benefit of all.

I fell asleep right away too, until that same someone came in and climbed on top of me, crushing all the wind out of me, and kissed me 20 times all over my face and asked if Mrs. grumpy-pants would like the computer now. I declined with dignity and fell back asleep again, and am feeling much better this morning!

Also, my sister picked me up a peppermint white mocha and delivered it to me when I dropped the kids off at school this morning so not only am I feeling better, but much energized as well and have already accomplished quite a bit around the house today.

Information I'm sure you're facinated by. 

Moving on. 

To see Us, in color - part I click here.

Kendall age 9
Cooper age 7 1/2
Blake age 2 1/2
Russ and I, ages undisclosed :)
alright I'm 31, but who's counting?


  1. Great pics! Can't wait till I get mine. BECAUSE I WILL GET SOME!

  2. Love these pictures...I am so excited to have ours taken on Sunday. And speaking of Sunday, lol, Doug says you and family are coming over after church! yay oh yay!

  3. Beautiful family.
    Beautiful sister.
    31 looks great on you!

    Love it, love you!!

  4. PMS'ing..and putting yourself


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