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Monday confessional


Yesterday I ate sweets for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. 

I am not even kidding. 

Breakfast: toast at home before church and then 2 mini hershey's cookies and cream bites during church. 

Lunch: two of these... because I don't like to cook on Sundays.
pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting - made by me, thank you very much :)
Dinner: a churro from Costco (bought by my kind friend Jana who invited me out shopping yesterday afternoon - fun, fun!). 

Dessert: this, made by Kelly, who forced us to come over in the evening...
stuffed french toast with fresh fruit and cream
Alright, she asked us over and we obliged quite happily.

But now I'm feeling much, much guilt! Could I have eaten any unhealthier yesterday?

My sweet tooth has turned into a MONSTER. Kind of like the cookie monster, except not so picky about whether it's cookies or some other form of sugar! I think I'm going to have to starve it. 

But not until the rest of my pumpkin cupcakes are gone.


  1. Wow, those pumpkin cupcakes look professionally done. Nice job:)

  2. They are AWESOME! I've had two :)

  3. Sadly I was not a partaker in this muffin testing experience..but I give you a "10" for the swirl of cream cheesy frosted goodness on top..that in itself is a delectable treat .

  4. I enjoyed my cupcake today at work, thank you for sharing.

  5. I agree, cupcakes looks very professional. Jodi, the good news is that you could always get a job at DC Cupcakes as head cupcake topper. I am half tempted to send them this post. :) you have talent my friend.


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