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Your weekend update


Interrupting my regularly programmed Monday Confessional this week to bring you a special weekend update! 

On the agenda: 
- Nephew Sam's birthday party Friday night. Check.
- Cousin Linley and her boyfriend Mike over for dinner and games Saturday night. Check.
- Church and general day of lazy slothfulness Sunday. Double check.

The highlights:
- Not having to make dinner Friday night because it was served at the birthday party. Always a plus.
- Getting my house clean and tidy for company on Saturday, leaving me with a clean house and no dirty laundry headed into a new week. Awesome!
- Getting to know Mike a little better and playing cards and Settlers of Catan (our favorite board game).
- A long luxurious Sunday afternoon nap. Refreshing.
- Family movie night with the kids, watching Popeye with Robin Williams and seeing my husband's face as he discovered it was a musical. Oh ho ho, quite humorous :)
- Making a new cookie recipe; zucchini butterscotch chip with coconut, and seeing them go over well with the family. 
- Amazing Race premiere! Woohoo!!

The lowlights:
- Spending my Saturday cooking and cleaning. I'm glad it got done but I wouldn't call it "fun".
- Planning a game night that coincided with the Oregon Duck game airing on the radio. Let's just say that at one point Linley and I ditched the boys and had ourselves a personal fashion show in my bedroom where I tried on my newest Target purchases and we came up with different ensemble options. Yes we were that desperate. 
- Being awoken from my Sunday afternoon nap by some obnoxiously loud children playing an intense game of Lego Batman on the Wii. Let's just say that heads rolled! Okay, not really. I told them they were rude. And then I baked them cookies.
- Baking half of the cookie dough before discovering I'd left out one of the more crucial ingredients: 2 cups of oatmeal. Ah ha! Now my very sloppy batter made sense! As Kendall best described them, they were like butterscotch chip zucchini pancakes. Don't worry, once corrected the rest of the cookies were stellar.
- Turning on the TV at 9 pm to watch the Amazing Race only to discover it was a special 1 1/2 hour premiere, starting at 8:30 pm.... Nooooo!

And thus concludes your weekend update. By "special" I meant completely non-consequential. Please stay tuned next Monday for the return of "Monday Confessional" and a look into the trouble that comes from lighting your living room carpet on fire when you are a mere youth and then trying to lie about it. 


  1. so fun to read your life, it makes me chuckle every time

  2. Oh, I love the "set the carpet on fire" story. I believe i played a pivotal role in the "good sister" role in that story (okay, I guess from your point of view you may disagree), but since I DID NOT set the carpet on fire - I'm going to adjust my halo and think about that story from Mum & Dad's perspective :)

  3. Truly anticipating next weeks confessional!

  4. Oh, so worth your wait Tricia ;D

  5. Kelly I know nothing of this "good sister" role of which you speak. In fact I would say it was quite the opposite!!


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