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What I Wore Wednesday No. 10


Welcome to another stirring edition of What I Wore Wednesday! 

Okay, so it's not stirring, but welcome anyway! Russ was away most of this past week so I kept myself busy being out and about. Fun times, fun times :)

Wed: hanging out at Tricia's (and now you've seen part of her bedroom :)
top: Shade
jeans: Gap from Goodwill
yellow flats: Old Navy
scarf: Kmart

Thursday: Mom's Notes meeting, grocery store run
gray top: Downeast Basics
cami underneath: Diviine Modestee
long cardigan: Target
jeans: Old Navy from Goodwill
hidden wedges: Walmart

Friday: errands, Jana's house to hang out
black turtleneck: Target
jeans: Old Navy - thrifted
same yellow flats as Wed: Old Navy
scarf: Maurices

Saturday: special church conference then "Thirty-One" party at a friends
sweater top, belt and jeans: all from the Goodwill
pointed toe boots: Walmart
necklace: ??

Sunday: church, again!
top, denim skirt, and brown wedges: the Goodwill & another local thrift store
wooden bracelet: Maurices

Monday: OH YES I am posting this picture! Keeping it real folks!!
(I shall not bother with the outfit details however. 
Well okay, the cute apron: made by a friend)

Tuesday: night out with my sister and Mum 
yellow top: Ross
jeans: Gap from Goodwill
sweater: Old Navy - yard sale
sandals: Target
earrings and necklace: from my husband

In conclusion: yes I love the Goodwill, how did you guess?

Like always I'm linking to other "What I wore" posts at The Pleated Poppy.


  1. You always look so cute! You have a great eye for fashion.
    I love your blog and look forward to reading it daily. :-)

    Thank you My Friend for making me laugh every morning!

  2. thank you Annie! What a lovely comment to start my day off with :)

  3. Yep lovin it all! Going to Goodwill this weekend!!!!!!!!!

  4. Looove that yellow top! Ok seriously, basically that entire outfit was from Goodwill?! I'm down with that! You look adorable as always, love the scarves!

  5. love the yellow flats and all your ruffled shirts! ;-)

  6. I also love them all, which is why I always enjoy frequenting your closet, and then keeping each item for as long as humanly possible before you make me give them back. But hey, what are sister's for if not for expanding the wardrobe! Double the clothes, double the fun!

  7. My favorites are the yellow things!! And the ruffles!

  8. Great outfits this week! You are just adorable.
    I LOVED Thursday the best. You looked stunning, and totally comfortable at the same time. How do you do that? lol
    Two thumbs up.

  9. yellow flats to die for.... love it!!!

  10. I love your Friday Outfit ! that is my kind of outfit soo adorable!
    im amazed about your love for goodwill, Isaac loves that store also. I guess i don't have the eye or i dont look hard enough; so to solve my problems we shall go goodwill shopping together ! haha :) it will have to be in a few month though because i dont need new clothes ! ;)
    anyhoo love all the outfits

  11. Every single outfit is so great! You look beautiful and comfortable.
    Yay for Goodwill!! Love it. :)


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