(and as it would turn out, Cooper and Mum as well)
A minute-by-minute recap of my 13+ hour day out yesterday, because who doesn't want to know every single detail of a girls shopping trip?
9:00 am: scheduled time to meet at our kid's school to leave for our day of shopping fun.
8:43 am: receive text from Jana that she's running 10 minutes late. I reply back, "excellent!" because, me too.
9:15 am: we both pull into the school parking lot at same time, 5 minutes later than our "10 minutes late" time. And that's why we're best friends.
9:17 am: I run into the school to take Cooper his lunch which he left at home. A teacher see's me in the hallway and hangs up her cell phone, halfway through a message that she just happens to be leaving for me to come pick up Cooper because he's hacking up a lung. Well that's not exactly what the message said but close enough. I could hear him from the school entrance!
9:20 am: call to Mum to see if she minds watching Cooper as well as Blake who she was already watching for the day. She'd love to, phew!
9:30 am: drop off boys and leave on our shopping adventure, only half an hour behind schedule - worthy of a high five in our books!
10:00 am: arrive at mall.
10:15 am: park at mall. Oh, holiday traffic how you frustrate us...
10:20 am: Starbucks!
The first of many pictures in which I look twice the size of my petite friend. Sigh. |
10:45 am: Charlotte Russe and their $4.99 sale = two very happy shoppers!
1:00 pm: Panera Bread for lunch, so yum.
1:40 pm: realize we forgot a gift and run back into the mall for a mad dash to TWO stores and are back in the car and on the road by 2:00 pm to head to the school for pick up. We are awesome.
2:05 pm: open my Christmas present from Jana that was waiting for me in the car: new makeup case, ADORABLE ruffle scarf, my current fave candy and our favorite book of 2010: "Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society". Jana is awesome! And sweet, and wonderful :)
the loot |
2:45 pm: back to Mum's to pick up the boys and call doctor's office about Cooper's cough (he's already been on antibiotics for a week now). Hear the bad news that they would like to see him right away, but they have no appointments open so could I drive to urgent care which doesn't open until 5:30 pm and is at the Interstate office, AN HOUR AWAY IN DOWNTOWN PORTLAND? Oh the joys of having Kaiser insurance.
3:00 pm: call Russ to tell him he's getting Kendall and Blake dropped off at his basketball practice and whine about having to drive in rush hour traffic all the way up to Kaiser Interstate, which just happens to be 5 minutes from his work that he has to drive to every.single.day. Didn't quite get the sympathy I was hoping for.
4:00 pm: leave Mum's for the Doctor, with Mum in tow for rush hour traffic moral support.
4:40 pm: Starbucks stop #2 of the day! Ordered a different coffee than stop #1 to mix things up a bit. I'm crazy and wild like that.
6:30 pm: receive the joyous news that I drove forever and a year to hear that I need to give Cooper honey. HONEY. He's fine. Oh and a cough can last 6 weeks, news to me.
7:00 pm: decide to make the most of our evening and head to Ross!
9:00 pm: leave Ross!
9:05 pm: decide we might as well go all out and stop at Pizza Hut. Anything to make that trip to the doctor's more worth it.
I have the best and MOST FUN Mum! |
11:00 pm: at home, in jammies, realize I still have to make the Pretzel Hugs that I signed up to bring to the kid's class parties in the morning.
11:20 pm: Realize I'm a wee bit OCD with the m&m colors... first used Christmas colors (red and green), then the next best pretty colors (blue and green), then school colors (blue and gold), then the last of the blues with 3 oranges, leaving the rest of the orange and brown m&m's in the bowl of shame.
11:30 pm: check Facebook before heading to bed. Big mistake.
Past midnight: 300 pictures later I'm all caught up on our friends recent trip to Africa! Phew, good thing I made such great use of my time!!