I hate to admit it, but my blog is winding down, folks.
While I'll still get a kick to write every so often, mostly it's the dreaded task that I can't make myself
I blame having teenagers!
I've really struggled throwing in the towel. For one, reading past entries makes me so glad I took the time to write down the funny and cute and awkward life happenings that go on around here and I'll miss this method of recording them, and for two, it's such a great way to scrapbook (by printing your blog) without having to actually scrapbook, haha. Again, too busy!
More than feelings of sadness though, I feel relief. It really is a weight lifted off me to give this up in the season I'm in. And I'm really proud of myself for sticking to it for so long. Six and a half years... if nothing else, that's a LOT of outfit pictures ;)
Thanks for hanging out with me in this space.
Peace out ;)
P.S. You can still find me on instagram, and very rarely on twitter and snapchat. Just search for jodalamode.